Thursday, November 19, 2015

5 Excercise Yoga Basics: A Great Way to Start Your Day

Yoga Basics: A Great Way to Start Your Day

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Yoga positions, called asanas, are the basic physical part of a yoga practice. Although yoga poses are a type of exercise for your body, they are also much more. The word yoga itself is from Sanskrit, an ancient Indian language, and refers to the union of mind and spirit. Yoga began in India more than 3,000 years ago and is still practiced today for the health of the mind, body, and spirit. A morning yoga practice is a great way to get energized for the day ahead.

2 / 5   Cat-Cow Pose

Cat-Cow Pose is a great morning stretch for your back. "This yoga position opens the whole spine," says Jacqueline Corso, psychotherapist and certified yoga instructor on Cape Cod, Mass. To get into this yoga pose you need to get down on all fours. While gazing up at the ceiling, you drop your back down toward the floor as you inhale. Then while looking down at your belly button, you arch your back up like a cat and exhale. "Try to do this movement for one or two minutes," says Corso.

3 / 5   Downward Dog

If you have ever seen a dog stretch, you know how Downward Dog got its name. It’s a standard yoga pose, though not all beginners are able to do it, says Corso. For this position, start on your hands and knees, with your knees directly below your hips and your hands slightly forward of your shoulders. Press back, lifting your knees away from the floor while keeping your arms straight, and lift your tailbone up. Stretch your heels toward the floor to lengthen your hamstrings. "This yoga pose opens up the back of the body and is very energizing. It should be held for about 30 seconds to one minute," adds Corso.

4 / 5   Warrior One

"Warrior One is a standing position that signifies and stimulates strength and power,” Corso says. Start by standing up straight, and then step your left leg back 3 and a half to 4 feet. Bend your right knee so it’s directly above the ankle, and turn your left foot in slightly. Raise your arms directly above you, reaching strongly, and look up. This yoga pose stretches the back and the lower body. “It can be strenuous on the arms, which are held high in the air,” adds Corso. Hold for 30 seconds to one minute, then repeat, reversing leg positions.

5 / 5   Warrior Two

Warrior Two is similar to Warrior One, but the arms are held out to the side with the head looking forward, and the back foot is at a 90-degree angle instead of turned in slightly. "As with all yoga positions, breathing is an important part of the exercise," explains Corso. "As a matter of fact, yoga without breathing and meditation is just a stretching exercise. You can run through a series of morning stretches in about 20 minutes or you can add periods of meditation and have a morning yoga session that lasts an hour or more."

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